DSH BLACK & WHITE FEMALE 10 WEEKS OLD $100 TO ADOPT BIN0001548112747 Little miss Arancini is an absolute joy to have around and she is sooo affectionate also. Arancini loves […]
DSH BLACK & WHITE FEMALE 10 WEEKS OLD $100 TO ADOPT BIN0001548112747 Little miss Arancini is an absolute joy to have around and she is sooo affectionate also. Arancini loves […]
ORIENTAL XMALE10 WEEKSBIN0001548112747$200 TO ADOPTJOEL is a high confident little white and tabby kitten who loves to explore his surroundings. He loves to play rough and tumble with his litter […]
DSH MALE 12 WEEKS OLD BIN0001548112747 $200 TO ADOPT Marco is a playful, attention-seeking kitten and all he wants for Christmas is YOU!! This little cheeky boy is so affectionate […]
MALE DMH 12 WEEKS OLD $200 TO ADOPT BIN0001548112747 This kitten is dressed to impress – and he does! Tux is a cuddly kitten who enjoys climbing, balancing, and chasing […]
Male DSH 8 weeks old $200 to adopt BIN0001548112747 Alexi is a playful and outgoing kitten who loves to play hard and rest hard. Never one to miss out on […]
Male DSH Black and white 8 weeks old $100 to adopt BIN0001548112747 Lachie is a super chilled out dude who loves the company of people. His outgoing, confident and affectionate […]
Female DSH Grey and white 8 weeks old $200 to adopt BIN0001548112747 Lily is a quiet and loving kitten who would like nothing more than the company of her humans […]
DSH MALE 12 WEEKS OLD $100 TO ADOPT BIN0001548112747 Tux is the sweetest little guy, he’s a cuddle bug, he loves playing with other cats and isn’t scared of dogs. […]
DSH MALE 12 WEEKS OLD $100 TO ADOPT BIN0001548112747 Bartholomew is a pretty laid back, easy going man who loves just hanging out with everyone, both furry friends and his […]
DSHTABBY & WHITEFEMALE12 WEEKS OLD$50 TO ADOPTBIN0001548112747Mouse is the quiet achiever she loves to sit back and watch the world go by (the other kittens playing)Mouse might take a little […]