DSHWHITE & GREYFEMALE10 WEEKS OLD$200 TO ADOPTBIN0001548112747Winona just like her brothers loves her food, playing, climbing and then snoozing.She loves playing with toys but loves playing with her sisters and […]
DSHWHITE & GREYFEMALE10 WEEKS OLD$200 TO ADOPTBIN0001548112747Winona just like her brothers loves her food, playing, climbing and then snoozing.She loves playing with toys but loves playing with her sisters and […]
DSHWHITE WITH BLACK TAILMALE10 WEEKS OLD$200 TO ADOPTBIN0001548112747Walker is also like Whiskey, rolls on your feet, doesn’t mind belly rubs and generally zooming around the house. He was a little […]
DSHWHITE & BLACKMALE10 WEEKS OLD$200 TO ADOPTBIN0001548112747Whiskey is a funny little fellow, he will greet you when you come home, and then roll on your feet. He loves belly rubs. […]
Siamese XMALE11 WEEKS OLD$200 TO ADOPTBIN0001548112747Romeo is the spunkiest of his litter! He is personality plus and full throttle. Romeo is outgoing, inquisitive and playful. He is also extremely affectionate. […]
Siamese XFEMALE11 WEEKS OLD$200 TO ADOPTBIN0001548112747If you are after the perfect companion then Viv is the girl for you. Happy to be stroked and cuddle up but will also play […]
Siamese XFEMALE11 WEEKS OLD$200 TO ADOPTBIN0001548112747Bunny is the prettiest of baby girls and fluffier than her siblings. She is the perfect combination of cuddles and sass. She loves to pounce […]
RAGDOLL XMALE11 WEEKS OLD$200 TO ADOPTBIN0001548112747Snow pea is the biggest boy of the litter. He’s shy at first, but comes out of his shell once he feels safe and comfortable. […]
FEMALEDMH12 WEEKS OLD$200 TO ADOPTBIN0001548112747Despite a rough start to life as the runt of the litter, Tortilla has blossomed into a beautiful kitten. Affectionately known in her foster household as […]
MALEDMH12 WEEKS OLD$200 TO ADOPTBIN0001548112747Look at those eyes! Through a quirk of genetics, Tambo always looks like he’s a little worried, but fear not, this cute and confident kitten is […]
MALEDMH12 WEEKS OLD$200 TO ADOPTBIN0001548112747This kitten is dressed to impress – and he does! Tux is a cuddly kitten who enjoys climbing, balancing, and chasing toys. He certainly wins the […]