
FELIX MALE 12 WEEKS DOMESTIC SHORT HAIR BIN0001548112747 $250 TO ADOPT FELIX is a very balanced little kitten. He loves the play and snuggles equally. He is a very independent […]


EPEMALE12 WEEKSDOMESTIC MEDIUM HAIRBIN0001548112747$250 TO ADOPT PEPE is the most unique kitten who is currently sporting medium hair on most of his body however his back strip the hair is […]


LUCYFEMALE12 WEEKSDOMESTIC SHORT HAIRBIN0001548112747$250 TO ADOPT LUCY is the baby of the litter, she is little but that doesn’t stop her. She is as unique in colour as she is […]


LANAFEMALE12 WEEKSDOMESTIC SHORT HAIRBIN0001548112747$250 TO ADOPTLANA is a little tortoiseshell kitten who lives for the cuddles and love. LANA spends plenty of time exploring and playing with her litter. LANA […]